Corporate Giveaways and its Importance to Your Business

Does your company have a smaller budget then corporate giveaways are the ideal way to advertise the business. Corporate giveaways are free gifts that companies give away to promote their business. If we look at Ronald McDonald the clown we instantly associate him with McDonalds due to TV Adverts and free Ronald McDonald gifts. I will look at brand recognition and why it is important and the part advertising plays in corporate giveaways.

A study by Promotional Products International reveals some interesting statistics on free gifts.

It was found that 94% of people in the study remembered when they received a promotional gift. Of the 89% who received a promotional gift could remember the company name 2 years later. This is further evidence that free gifts and slogans are remembered by the consumer. Therefore they do play an important part in promoting the company.

Another study done by a US company Sageworld an internet business revealed that 57 per cent people could remember the name of the company they received the free gift from. This is further evidence that promotional gifts word and brand recognition works The evidence that over 2 years later 89% of consumers can still recall the name of the company is proof that brand recognition is important. Your company mug with your company name on it could be seen as another way of advertising your business. Next we will look at types of gifts and quality.

All corporate gifts should have logo, image and your company slogan. As a marketing professional you have an idea of the advantages of corporate giveaways let us look at quality. Companies use high quality products that stand out and this shows the company cares the quality of its work. There are different types of corporate gifts such as mugs, a USB stick, pens or t-shirts.

Why quality is important?

If it is a high quality giveaway this will lead to more brand recognition, and the company will be known for high quality goods. Logitech used a good quality USB with their logo on to promote their business this is just as effective that a business card. A USB stick also has less chance of being lost and their distinctive logo makes it stand out. This logo is easily associated with the company so when you see it you immediately know it is Logitech this leads to brand recognition. Any free gift used on a daily basis is more memorable therefore this combined with quality lead to stronger brand recognition.

Why advertising plays an important part of brand recognition.

Advertising is a form of communication that promotes or sells a product for example Ronald McDonald toys remind the child of his visit to McDonalds. He will play with it and have fun thus fun is associated with McDonalds he/she will ask to go there again. The association with a whacky character will make it more memorable. This is a form of advertising as is the use of logos such as Logitech this draws attention to the business and helps sell the company to potential customers.

Corporate giveaways, brand recognition and advertising all play an important part in promoting your company. High quality free gifts give a good image of the company a mug with -an image; the brand name and a slogan are all a part of good marketing. Next time you use a free gift for promotional purposes take a leaf from Logitech and create something original. The company may choose to create a new slogan to be used in all promotions make it distinctive so it stands out and you will stand out from the crowd.