Helpful Tips in Naming Your Product

Product naming has a significant impact on the way it is perceived by customers. Naming a product is not something that you can just do overnight. You must take a few important things into consideration. A name that works for one product may be inappropriate for another one. Finding a good product name is one of the most important parts of product management. Keep these tips in mind when trying to pick the perfect product name.

1. Think About it

Different names are appropriate for different products. The name of your product can be associative, descriptive, neologistic, associative, or deviant. A descriptive name gives a brief description of the product or its uses. An associative name is a non-word that may describe a product. A deviant word is an interesting name that may have no connection to the product. A neologistic name is a non-word that has no relevance to the product.

Think about the type of word you want to use and make your choice. You may come up with several names before making the final decision.

2. You Don't Have to Use Real Words

Real words are great but you don't always have to use them. Consider adding a twist to words when naming your product. Come up with a name that is fun, interesting, or suggestive. If you use unreal words, make them simple and memorable.

3. Consider Your Branding Goals

Think about your branding goals. A good name for your brand should check five boxes. It should be;

  • Memorable
  • Persuasive
  • Emotional
  • Distinctive
  • Relevant

4. Use a Suffix or Prefix

Suffixes and prefixes are fun ways to turn ordinary words into amazing product names.

5. Use Meaningful Phonemes

Phonemes are sound units that help to distinguish one language from the other. If, for example, you have two items described as mil and mal, you would assume that mal is bigger than mil. Certain sounds may paint your product in a more positive light than others. People all around the world attach meaning to sound. It can be symbolic.

6. Create an Acronym

Consider using an acronym or initials for your product name. Your acronym may describe your design label or other elements of your brand. If you choose this option, you have to be careful. Acronyms are not descriptive. This means that it may take a while before your brand gains recognition. The technique works if you are willing to be patient.

7. Start with a List

Most product management experts suggest that you keep your options open when starting. You should have a list of potential names. Your favorite choice is not always the best one.

8. Think of the Emotions You Wish to Evoke

What are the primary emotions that you want to evoke? Knowing the type of experience that you want for the customer may help you pick the right name. Ensure that you convey the emotions in the name.

9. Use Compound Words

Most product names have already been trademarked. Using compound words can be a great way to come up with a product name. Find two words that work and put them together to create the perfect name.

10. It Should be Readable

Even though uniqueness should be an important part of product naming, your name should be readable and writable. If your name is too hard to read or write, it won't be memorable. If your potential customers cannot search your product name on Google or suggest it to friends, it is inappropriate. Even though it is almost impossible to be completely unique, your product name should stand out from others in the industry.

11. Use the Name of a Person or Place

Consider naming your product after its creator or a celebrity endorser. Naming a product after a place or person is a great idea if you have no plan of moving to a different geographical location or expanding.

When you name a product, you anchor the product in the minds of your potential customers. Finding the perfect name is one of the most important parts of product management. Your product naming strategy is one of the most important ways of building brand recognition. Even though the process can be complicated, you can do it without professional help.