The Elements and Special Offer of Brand Identity

Brand identity is the representation of a brand. It is the visual concept of a brand. Brand identity may be represented as the face of a brand. It includes the packaging, logos, colors, messaging, and typography of a company. The brand identity of a company starts from the inside and spreads outwards.

Keep reading to learn about brand identity's special offer in marketing your business. What are the elements for the best online promotion, advertisement and other exclusive promotion that can catapult your brand?

Brand Identity Elements

1. Brand Name

The brand name is the first point of identifying a service, product, or company. Even though coming up with a brand name may seem easy, you need to put a lot of thought into it. Some companies that have developed impressive brand names include Coca Cola and KFC.

2. Brand Logo

A logo is the visual trademark of a brand. A good logo should help identify a brand even without the name. The logo of a brand bears the standard for the whole brand experience. Nike has one of the most impressive brand logos.

3. Graphics

The graphics of a brand can be fun and interesting. Customers can recognize the identity of a brand by its graphics. Companies with some of the most impressive graphics include Louis Vuitton and Coca Cola.

4. Catch Phrase

Every company needs a clever and memorable catchphrase that introduces them. A catchphrase can quickly state the opinions and position of a brand. Impressive catchphrases include Nike's 'Just do it' and Verizon's 'Can you hear me now?'

5. Shapes

Companies may use shapes to represent their brands. They make it possible to recognize a product from a distance. Distinctive shapes like the Volkswagen Beetle can be a major element of brand identity.

6. Color

If a company can use color well, their brand can be recognized from a distance. It is wise to use a color that is unique and easy to recognize. UPS, for example, is known to have unique brown uniforms and trucks.

7. Movement

Even though it is not obvious, movement can be an important part of brand identity. If you are trying to set your brand apart, do not ignore it. Lamborghini, for example, has trademarked upward motion for its car doors.

8. Taste

Taste can be an element of brand identity. The taste of your product can set it apart from others in the market. KFC, for example, has trademarked its special recipe which uses 11 spices and herbs for chicken.

All the elements of brand identity work together to make the brand more memorable and improve the brand experience for customers. If you create a brand identity that addresses multiple elements, you can streamline the production of ad material for your business.

Special Offer of Brand Identity in Marketing

1. Personality

Brand identity adds personality to your products or services. It is what helps you stand out from your competitors. Your brand identity can be helpful in evoking certain feelings and responses from your target audience. When marketing, use your brand identity to communicate your goals and overall message.

2. It Fosters Loyalty

Having a strong brand identity may help you foster brand loyalty among customers. It makes it easy for customers to resonate with your product or service. Customers are likely to lean towards something that is familiar. A product with a strong brand identity is likely to grow into a household name.

Maintaining a Strong Brand Identity on Social Media

Brand identity has become an important part of marketing for all businesses. Developing a strong online brand identity helps you stand out from competitors. It allows you to enjoy the best online promotion. Some of the most important things to keep in mind when working on your brand identity include;

· Consistency

Be consistent. Every element of your brand identity should communicate the same ideas. They should all work together to send a strong and clear message. Use a specific tone and writing style for all your social media content. If you want to evoke a feeling of joy, your language should be light-hearted and fun.

· Add Value to Your Customers

One of the best ways to appeal to your customers is by adding value. Ensure that all your social media content adds value to your audience. Otherwise, it may look like regular advertising. Your brand content should always add value.

· Use Videos

Video marketing may be a great way to maintain a strong brand identity. Your social media branding does not need to rely on images. Videos can be highly effective in capturing the attention of your target audience.

Since brand identity represents the beliefs and ideologies of a brand, it has to be consistent. It has to convey a clear message. All companies should have a brand management system that is flexible and efficient.